Elon Musk Just UNVEILED A Stealthy Sea Power: Tesla Stealth Boat?
Elon Musk Just UNVEILED A Stealthy Sea Power: Tesla Stealth Boat?
You may thank genius billionaire Elon Musk’s Hyperloop concept for reviving interest in linear induction motors and electro-magnetic propulsion systems for transportation. And recently, he revived a stealthy sea power that would definitely change everything at sea. How this works? Let’s take a look in todays episode and of course let’s dig deeper into Musk’s much hyped hyperloop.
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A large form dips beneath the arctic ice flows before dissipating as quickly and silently as a living creature. It simply leaves a mist-like trail of bubbles in its wake while moving at nearly 100 mph while wearing a suit of steel. The water is not being stirred up by large screws or turbines. In actuality, there is no indication of any propulsion system at all. Rather, an unseen force created by water rushing through tubes encased in sponsons at the sides of the submarine propels the enormous underwater cargo across the depths.
Despite how futuristic it may sound, the force that propels this craft is actually quite simple and is covered in high school science courses. This fundamental of electromagnetism, known as Fleming’s Left Hand Rule, states that a fluid will be driven in one direction when a magnetic field and an electric current are combined and pass through it. But the technology to take advantage of this occurrence on a seagoing vehicle did not exist until recently.
Currently, the Left Hand Rule is being used in small models and experimental flow loops in magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) drive units found at laboratories in Japan, the US, and Tesla. A MHD drive was crucial to the success of The Hunt for Red October, a film made with unparalleled U.S. funding, according to rumours that the military has been conducting MHD research for years. Based on the extensively researched book by Tom Clancy with Navy assistance.
Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, Tesla, and The Boring Company, responds, “If you think I’m doing The Hunt for Red October, the answer is yes.”
The Soviet submarine Red October was depicted in the Sean Connery-starring 1990 movie and has a nearly silent propulsion system, making it exceedingly difficult to find.
Musk is presently developing a marine propulsion system resembling the “caterpillar drive” mentioned in the film, 30 years after the release of the film.
The device, known as a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) drive, only uses magnets and an electric current and has no moving parts at all.
It functions by creating a magnetic field that is perpendicular to an electric current. This generates a force known as the Lorentz force, which acts on the water in the sea and moves the vessel forward.
Although the idea was first presented in a 1961 patent by American physicist W.A. Rice, in the unclassified world, the Japanese have made the biggest advancements in the development of a usable MHD drive. The Japanese Foundation for Shipbuilding Advancement (JAFSA) has invested $40 million on a program that has resulted in a 2 meter long fully functional model.
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