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Transhumanism, AI, Elon Musk, Rudolf Steiner and the Evolution of Consciousness Episode #05

Transhumanism, AI, Elon Musk, Rudolf Steiner and the Evolution of Consciousness Episode #05

Episode #05 – Andrew Linnell is an author, spiritual researcher the founder of an organisation that seeks to advance humanity’s moral cultivation of technology through Spiritual Science.

Andrew and I discuss the role of technology and the evolution of human consciousness and questions such as: Will humans merge with machines? Will AI take over our lives? What is Elon Musk up to? Will people be able to upload their consciousness to the cloud? How do we best deal with the moral and societal challenges technology brings?

This is Episode #05 of The Spiritual Scientist Podcast.

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“5 Steps to Continuing Your Relationship with Loved Ones who have Died …Safely (while finding purpose, meaning in life and healing)

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Children’s books being transferred from Mercury Press to Steiner Books.

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The Spiritual Scientist channel is dedicated to discerning the spiritual currents of our time with the help of Rudolf Steiner’s insights and also those of the many men and women who have taken his work seriously.

There is a deep longing in many people today for a real knowledge of the spirit. Many feel that a vague, nebulous or abstract spirituality no longer suffices in today’s world and at the same time, a return to the dogma of traditional religions is unthinkable.

In short, we want to know for ourselves.

Steiner offered a path which is completely individual to each person who takes it up…and at the same time universal. It is a path which anyone can follow no matter their cultural background. And no matter what your religion or spiritual path is, Steiner’s ideas and “Anthroposophy” can support and enliven it.

His insights have brought renewal to many areas in life such as Education, Agriculture (Biodynamics), Medicine , Religion (The Christian Community), architecture and many others.

About the host, Mick Young:
Mick is an Australian born spiritual mentor, therapist, speaker, and musician who has spent more than 20 years studying, meditating and working with Rudolf Steiner’s ideas, including 3 years at a seminary in Germany (the seminary for The Christian Community, a non-dogmatic movement, honouring free thinking, freedom of belief and ordaining women since it’s inception in 1924) .

Mick specialises in helping people to move through grief and to develop their relationship with loved ones who have died, their spiritual selves and the spiritual world.
To book a free session, please visit
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